
I saw my demon today.
Damn thing had nerve.
In my house?
Bloody bastard has no right here!
It belongs on the streets,
At public places.
Not in my bedroom,
The one place I feel safe in.
I paced back and forth.
Tears running down my face,
Drowning my eyes.
Why here, you greedy beast!
I only want something to be mine…
You may not have a taste!
Locked away like a malevolent convict,
My mind rattled its cage.
Purpose to commence conflict.
Shutting out the world,
I kneeled on the floor.
I can’t pray to a God,
But I can sure as hell hope.
Maybe one day,
I’ll be free.
No more worries or darkness,
No more horrid waves threatening to crash over me.
My demon cannot be drowned in tears or sorrow,
It craves happiness.
If I feed it, each time I see it,
I fear that its threat becomes stronger.
There are no scars on my skin,
But there’s a fresh wound in my heart.
My loneliness twists the knife,
But my voice only grows weaker.
One day I’ll have to bleed for my sins,
My demon will be the one to watch.
My only company for my death
Will be my worst fear.